Well-Child Checkup

Well-Child Checkups

What Is Involved In a Well-Visit Checkup?

We all know that when your child is sick, you take them to the doctor to diagnose and treat your child. Our excellent staff of doctors at Johns Creek Pediatrics in Suwanee & Cumming, GA, can't wait to give your child a well-child checkup and a clean bill of health.

What Is A Well Child Visit? 

A well-child visit is a planned, age-sensitive visit used by our pediatricians to obtain your child's physical and mental growth using questions and observations of your child's behavior. The wellness visit guidelines start at one month and continue until age 21. Our doctors look for developmental tasks that your child should be able to perform called Developmental Milestones. 

What Are Developmental Milestones? 

Soon after birth, our pediatric doctors will look for developmental milestones during your child's wellness visits to gauge your child's physical and mental growth. All children go through specific milestones at approximately the same rate of growth. Our pediatric doctors at Johns Creek Pediatrics in Suwanee & Cumming, GA, look forward to your well-child checkup to assess your child's expected skills for their age level at each milestone below.

  • 2 months - The child reacts to your facial movements like a smile or frown, tries to hold up the head, calms when picked up
  • 4 months - child giggles, smiles, and looks at you, makes sounds, and tries to respond, holds and tries to play with toys
  • 6 months - knows family faces, grabs toys, puts objects in mouth to explore, rolls over to tummy
  • 9 months - shy around strangers, able to show expressions, react to names, sit up, play with objects in two hands
  • 12 months - plays games, can say simple words like "mama," understands the word no, walks around furniture, pulls themselves up
  • 18 months - helps dress self, learns more words, thoughtfully plays with toys, climbs, feeds self finger foods
  • 3 years - interacts and plays with other children, asks who, what, and where questions, can calm self, draws shapes, and uses fine motor control
  • 5 years - Follows rules when asked, can do simple tasks like dressing, answers questions to stories, can handle longer conversations

Along with evaluating developmental milestones in your child, our doctors will administer the appropriate age-related immunizations and answer any questions that you may have related to your growing child. If your child is slow in developing, this would be an excellent time to discuss options with our doctor about furthering your child's development.

Give our well-trained pediatric staff a call today at (770) 814-1160 for your child's well-child checkup at Johns Creek Pediatrics in Suwanee & Cumming, GA. We want to meet you and your child.

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